

Notice of Meeting.

Notice is hereby given that the 124th Annual General Meeting of the Northern Suburbs Rugby Football Club Limited will be held at Norths Cammeray,12 Abbott Street, Cammeray, NSW on Monday 27th March 2023, commencing at 6:00pm.

Ordinary Business

  1. Apologies

  2. To receive the Report of the Directors for the financial year ended 31 December 2022

  3. To Receive the Financial Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2022.

  4. To elect the following Directors, whose term of office has expired, or have been appointed since the last Annual General Meeting, and who being eligible offer themselves for re-election, in accordance with the Constitution, as follows:

1. Kass Scarlett

2. Declan Carroll

Any further nominations for the position of Director will be received up to 6:00pm on Wednesday, 22nd March 2023 for the election of Directors at the Annual General Meeting

Nomination forms are available from the Secretary to the Board on application.

The Club’s Constitution provides for a three-year term for each elected director of the Club.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Club, proxies are not permitted.

5. General Business.

The meeting to approve “Re-appointment of Audit Firm Conroy Audit & Advisory” as Auditors.

Special Resolution

To consider and if thought appropriate, resolve by special resolution, that John Wardell be elected a Life Member of the Club in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the Club.

Explanatory Notes for Resolution

Life Members of the Club Peter Carson and Peter Medway have nominated John Wardell for Life Membership of the Club.

The letter of nomination is attached to this notice.

The Board recommends and supports the nomination.

Northern Suburbs Rugby Board of Directors


Reg Smith


Grahame O'Donnell


Brad Leahy

Al Gillett

Charlie Taylor

Jane Peters

Kassandra Scarlett

Declan Carroll

General Manager

Jack Burey

Players Representatives



John Liddell